Day 19-Friday was full contact shoe shopping, I was trying on shoes next thing I know I am flat on azz looking up. This should have been a warning for how the rest of my weekend was going to go.
Day 20-Saturday we went kayaking at Lake Merritt, in Oakland it is the oldest wildlife refuge in the US. And on Saturday the water was quite nice for swimming in, which is what I ended up doing when I flipped my kayak at the end of the training what we were having. The “kid” that was our guide was on his way back to the boathouse when tipped over and hit the water. My best friend was in her kayak so I handed her my hat and shoes that were in the now full of water and not Kish kayak. So as the guide makes his way back to us I start swimming and towing my kayak back towards the boathouse. The guide came back and tried to radio the rescue boat, his radio didn’t work. So he was all just hang tight I will go get the rescue boat. I kept swimming; there was no way I was just going to wait for him to get back we were a good 15 min paddle from where we started. He finally shows up with the rescue boat, by this time we have hooked my kayak to hers and she is taking us in. So Skippy shows up with the rescue boat, the plan is to get my happy wet azz in the boat, here is the kicker he is about half my size and from where I am floating the boat is about arms length above my head and my PFD is trying to kill me. He take a hold of my PFD and we bob 3 times and I am to haul my azz up and in to the boat, YEAH RIGHT!!! We try this 3 times with no success. I am not having fun at this point. I asked him if it was ok if I just swim back to the launch area, he said not really. At this time I point out that I most likely out weigh him by at least 2 time and there was no way in hell we were going to get my in to that boat. So I am back to being towed in my best friend in the other kayak. We get to the dock there is still really no place for me to get to dry land, then it dawned on the kid that there was a ladder on the other side of the dock we were at, I finally get to dry land. So I got see the lake from a very unique prospective.
Other then the really wet part kayaking was great.
Thanksgiving greetings and other things before 2019 slips away
Yesterday I got back into the groove of racing with a fairly informal event
here in the Energy Corridor. The Nottingham Forest Club hosts a Turkey Trot
5 years ago